Ryan Haecker

University Librarian and Assistant Professor of Theology

Dr. Ryan Haecker is a theologian and philosopher whose research in systematic and historical theology explores the absolute questions of logic, science, and technology.

He is a Fellow of the American Academy in Rome, a member of the European Academy of Religions, and serves on the editorial board of the journal Religions. He was in April 2022 awarded a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Theology and Religious Studies from Peterhouse, University of Cambridge. His doctoral dissertation supervised by Rowan Williams explores theological interpretations of logic in the systematic theology of Origen of Alexandria as a critical resource for modern Christian theology.

Beginning with a fellowship at the American Academy in Rome, he is revising his doctoral dissertation, Restoring Reason: Theology of Logic in Origen of Alexandria, which is under contract to be published the new Verlag Karl Alber book series Studies on Triadic Ontology and Trinitarian Philosophy.

He has previously studied history, philosophy, and theology at the University of Texas, the University of Würzburg, and the University of Nottingham. He has published 59 articles in journals, as book chapters, and as book reviews, including 9 peer-reviewed journal articles in journals, including Religions, Noesis, and The Journal of the Oxford Graduate Theological Society. He has presented over 138 papers and talks at conferences around the world. He led the organization of the international and ecumenical September 2019 New Trinitarian Ontologies Conference at the University of Cambridge.

He has frequently been interviewed by the BBC, the Cambridge Festival, and many online podcasts. His research interests extend across a vast range of topics, including Trinitarian Ontology, Philosophy of Logic, Platonism, Patristics, and German Idealism. He has written a monograph Analogy and Dialectic: A Genealogy of the Trinity. He is currently editing a forthcoming book, New Trinitarian Ontologies, which is under contract with Cascade Books. And he hopes in the future to write a general prolegomenon for a future trinitarian ontology, Theology of Logic: A New Introduction to Absolute Knowing.

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